Transportation I-77 CLEVELAND INNERBELT CCG6B > Projects > I-77 Cleveland Innerbelt CCG6B INSIDE THE PROJECT The project consisted of replacing the Broadway Avenue (SR-14) structure over IR-77 as well as reconfiguring the ramps from IR-490 EB/WB to IR-77 SB to provide standard lane width and merge distances. The existing ramp from Broadway Avenue to IR-77 SB was reconstructed as a Frontage Road to Pershing Avenue. The mainline lanes of IR-77 SB, adjacent to the ramp work, were resurfaced as part of this project and a multi-use path constructed along the Frontage Road. To accommodate grade changes and significant existing and proposed utilities, four different wall types were designed, including a jet grouted wall and a soldier pile wall to span an AT&T duct bank. The project scope included many key milestone dates, utility conflicts, and the design of a highly skewed, 400-foot two-span bridge. The milestones were met by delivering the project design plans in multiple buildable units, allowing portions of the project to be constructed in advance. PROJECT DETAILS: Project Owner: Ohio Department of Transportation District 12 Location: Cleveland, Ohio Project Value: $28,900,000 Delivery Method: Design-Build CAPABILITIES: Beam/Girder Erection Bridges D-B/CMGC Noisewall / Retaining Wall Post-Tensioning THIS PROJECT WAS THE RECIPIENT OF: Northeast Ohio Association for Bridge Construction & Design (ABCD), Outstanding Bridge Award, 2019 Don Conaway Partnering Award, Honorable Mention, 2020 Close
INSIDE THE PROJECT The project consisted of replacing the Broadway Avenue (SR-14) structure over IR-77 as well as reconfiguring the ramps from IR-490 EB/WB to IR-77 SB to provide standard lane width and merge distances. The existing ramp from Broadway Avenue to IR-77 SB was reconstructed as a Frontage Road to Pershing Avenue. The mainline lanes of IR-77 SB, adjacent to the ramp work, were resurfaced as part of this project and a multi-use path constructed along the Frontage Road. To accommodate grade changes and significant existing and proposed utilities, four different wall types were designed, including a jet grouted wall and a soldier pile wall to span an AT&T duct bank. The project scope included many key milestone dates, utility conflicts, and the design of a highly skewed, 400-foot two-span bridge. The milestones were met by delivering the project design plans in multiple buildable units, allowing portions of the project to be constructed in advance. PROJECT DETAILS: Project Owner: Ohio Department of Transportation District 12 Location: Cleveland, Ohio Project Value: $28,900,000 Delivery Method: Design-Build CAPABILITIES: Beam/Girder Erection Bridges D-B/CMGC Noisewall / Retaining Wall Post-Tensioning THIS PROJECT WAS THE RECIPIENT OF: Northeast Ohio Association for Bridge Construction & Design (ABCD), Outstanding Bridge Award, 2019 Don Conaway Partnering Award, Honorable Mention, 2020 Close